Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Shiny Stuff....

New chain plates back from the polisher (bad photo, they really are shiny) .

Per chain plate;
316SS = $10,
Water jet cutting = $20,
Polishing = $30.

Knowing that the damn thing should not split in two for a few years = priceless.

Old chain plates

As stated before, intact chain plates are not an optional extra on a sailboat. Even if your mast does not collapse the rest of your trip will be amazingly stressful.

The problem with chain plates is generally one of access. The actual cost of the items themselves and installation is relatively modest, especially when factored over a 10year+ life. The plan on TIH is to leave the chain plates exposed so that no paneling etc. has to be moved in order to replace them.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Sunday, March 22, 2009

But, but it was only $80.......

I did lots of research on what kind of 120v panel I wanted on TIH. Spend hours thinking about the correct idiot proof system and consulting with my electrical "consultant" and then I went to the Dania Marine Flea Market. So much for planning. I am now waiting to be told that I own an $80 garden ornament, destined to sit in a bilge locker until it corrodes away. Still it looks cool.

Friday, March 13, 2009

I love external chainplates...

I won't be installing them on TIH, but I still like them. These are from a Downeaster 38.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Chainplates contd.......

This is a picture of the chainplates on a well know quality production sailboat. The appear to be heavy duty and well constructed, The photo was taken before the liner and deck is bolted on. The question will be, in twenty years from now, how is the new owner going to replace them. Is this why God invented sawzalls'.

Now this is one of the main back stay chainplate on the W42. Nice design, it took me about 20 mins. to remove both (what can I say, I work slowly).

The removed chainplates looked to be in good condition however its worth noting the head of the righthand bolt.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009


Are important. They keep your mast(s) up. If they fail it can spoil your whole day.

These are the chainplates from my last boat, a Downeaster 38, after being removed by the new owners. I had mentioned that the chainplates might need replacing so they were pretty understanding (thanks Jack and Susan). Plates were approx 1/4inch by 2inch. I just didn't know how soon they needed replacing. I went so far as having all of them x-rayed in Trinidad about two year previously and they were given the all clear.

So, hopefully, I have now learned my lesson. If in ANY doubt change them out.

Why I don't post to the Whitby - Brewer Sailboat Association site..

I have been asked by a Whitby owner why I don't post to the a.m. site. Well the answer is long and convoluted but breaks down as follows;

From an earlier post, readers may be aware of a case of censorship I experienced when posting my opinions on the W42 rudder to their site ("circuit discipline" was the term used by the coordinator).

Later, one of their Topic Area Managers said she liked my blog and then linked it to their web site. The link was later removed and the coordinator informed me;

"You have the inalienable right to say whatever you wish...on your own web site and/or your own blog. That right does not extend to the WhitbyBrewer web site. On the WhitbyBrewer web site, you may say whatever you wish about the boat, but you will not cast dispersions (sic) on the founder of the organization, nor upon the volunteers who toil to make improvements in the organization. When you have removed such dispersions from your blog, I will ask Greg to reinstate the link to your web site."

I am a little confused as I have not "cast any aspersions" on anyone, in a post on the Whitby/Brewers web site.

In the new year email from the coordinator;

"In addition to registering, we solicit your articles, your photos, and your discussion on the discussion forum.... pick a subject and give it a GO! Of course, we welcome any suggestions, comments, etc.... but be polite.....we have thin skins."

I think the new format of the Owners site is outstanding but I fail to see how maintaining such tight editorial control on legitimate subject matter benefits any owners or potential owners or these excellent boats. All information good and bad should be published and let owners post counter opinions if necessary. The internet is a messy medium but no one can deny that it is the primary method of research in boat purchasing. I'm sure that the sellers of these vessels (and we or our heirs will all eventually be sellers) would appreciate a more inclusive forum.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Reverse deadline......

As I said in my original post the "Miami boat plan" was not to have a boat in Miami, especially during hurricane season. The challenge, therefore, is to avoid converting the "hull" into a "boat". The exact transition from hull to boat is difficult to define but it would include the addition of the following;

1. Engine (inc installation) - $25,000
2. DC Electrical wiring and fittings - $2,500
3. Complete battery bank - $1,000
4. Electronics - $3000
5. Sails - $5000
6. Anchor Chain and anchors - $2,000

Adds up fast doesn't it. So until the exit plan is firmed up, work on TIH will involve cleaning, painting and installing hatches etc.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Important Whitby information

I plan to use this post to list what I feel is important information for Whitby owners / potential owners.

The main Whitby sailboat sites are;

Whitby Brewer Sailboat Association

This is the main site for Whitby / Brewer owners and hopefully potential owners. The new structure is excellent but content appears slow in coming.

Ted Brewer - Whitby 42 designer
The designer and a great source of information and plans.

Doug Stephenson's Whitby Brokerage
Doug Stephenson Brokerage Website (Doug is a broker and recognized expert on Whitby/Brewer vessels). If you are serious about a Whitby you should contact Doug.


Bernard C. Boykin edited approx 20 newsletters starting in 1991 (I believe). These are an outstanding resource and contain a wealth of information and if you are investigation a Whitby 42 you should try and locate them. Most original owners should have copies. I have scanned copies of these in PDF format, for my own use, but cannot post them here for fear of offending (once again) the Owners Association.


Boat Reviews;

If you are in the market for a Whitby 42 or any used sailboat pick up a copy of John Kretschmer's "Used Boat Notebook" which has a review of 40 used sailboats including the Whitby 42. (Get the 2002 edition which has the Whitby not the 2007 edition, or get both.) I like John's reviews as he has vast sailing experience and know's what he is talking about.

Any google search will throw up Jack Hornor's review on the Whitby 42. His main criticism of the Whitby 42 was

"that the deck-to-hull joint of most Whitby 42s is fastened with pop-rivets, fiberglass and resin. Some 42s were built with the deck-to-hull joint completely through bolted--my preferred method. Whitby offered this as an option at an extra cost. I will admit many Whitby 42s have made significant offshore passages, and I am not aware of any catastrophic structural failures. "

This is one item that needs urgent clarification from the Owners Association. It would be realitvely easy to try and ascertain how many Whitbys' actually had bolted tru hull-to-deck joints. I know mine certainly were.

In any event if would just take a 5 min. inspection to check if the hull-to-deck joint was bolted or not. I would be slow to buy a Whitby that was not bolted.


Cruising World - Classic Plastic - May 1998.

This is a good review Click Here which highlighted the major issues with the boat.
These issues include;

1. The center line fuel tank.
2. The mizzen mast support.
3. The rudder.

More about these later.

An earlier and very detailed review is contained in; "Choice Yacht Designs" by Richard Henderson- Oct 1979. This book is out of print but copies are available on Amazon.com.
The review contains this very nice Whitby 42 exploded sketch.

Copyright "Choice Yacht Designs" by Richard Henderson

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

"Work is the curse of the drinking class." Oscar Wilde.

Finally got back on TIH after 10 days away.

I had contracted out some woodwork and varnish work because;

a. I have no time.
b. I am c$ap at woodwork and varnish work.

The results look good (photos are from my phone - will replace with better ones later).

The lockers above the woodwork were painted with Interlux Bilgekote, which I am beginning to really like.