In Miami, you know you are in trouble when people talk of the temperature cooling DOWN to 87 Deg F. Where I come from that's 30 Deg C. On the the very rare occasions that happens in Ireland we lock ourselves in the back of Pubs and worry about the end of days. Sheep spontaneously combust and the government bans the watering of lawns.
Onboard TIH 87 Deg F. means that I sit on a chair under the A/C and plan things.
The boat came with three brand new shiny Hood hatches, still in their cartons. Fabulous, just pop out the old ones and in with the new. Something else I won't have to buy.
An early attempt on the old saloon hatch proved inconclusive. The screws came out, but the bedding compound resisted all attempts at removing it. No problem, defer for a while.
Looking at the old hatches again today, got me thinking. They are Atkins & Hoyle (two are XR200 one smaller one). While the Lexan and gasket is shot the hatch body is perfect, if just a little oxidized. So we are on to plan B, refurbish the existing hatches. Anyone want to buy some very nice Hood hatches???

Hood hatch -