Thursday, November 11, 2010

Storage Plan

I am convinced that, when it comes to neatness, the world is divided into two types of people, Stackers and Spreaders. I am firmly in the spreader camp. Half of my time is spent looking for stuff. The W42 has LOTS of lockers. As I am tied up with other peoples boats at the moment I spent a few moments numbering the locations (using the standard odd numbers on the Stbd. side, even numbers on the Port side) on the attached plan. Time will tell how that works.

1 comment:

capndeb said...

I've heard that there is a possible 99 different storage areas on a Whitby. Laying awake at night, instead of counting sheep I went for those storage spots. Got up to the 90's, but couldn't reach 99. I have a few 10 lb reels of welding wire in "Spot 99". Can't find it! Can't find them! ... but I know they are here somewhere...