Friday, October 31, 2014

Dickinson Marine Caribbean stove dry fit.....shiny

Dickinson obviously bought a water-jet machine, which means that labels won't rub of with time.

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Magical Marine Fairy Dust....

While I'm a big believer in buying "marine" products when they are actually proven to be Marine grade, I am less certain about other products especially ones that will live below-decks.   These items came directly from IKEA.

The top photos are of the  LEDBERG LED 3-piece light strip for $14.99 (30in long).  By simply cutting off the 120v to 12v transformer you get a 12v system.  It has a nice simple clip system.

This is the  JANSJÖ LED USB lamp for a very "non-marine" price of $4.99.  I plan to have a number of 12v sockets at various places around the boat and if you need a light you plug in one of these.

Monday, October 27, 2014

Simrad / B&G Zeus 2 Touch

While the galley was being done I installed the B&G Zeus 2 Touch 7" MFD.  Full disclosure, I get a good deal on these from Navico, but they are very impressive to date.  The "Sailsteer" is especially interesting though I have yet to use it in anger.  The autopilot control and the C-Zone integration have also peaked my interest.

The one shortcoming with the system for those who cruise the Bahamas was that charting was limited to a choice of Insight or Navionics.  This has been overcome as C-Map now has charts base on the very popular Explorer paper charts of the Bahamas and these work on the Simrad / B&G systems.  I will be reviewing these Charts in the near future.

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

"Things go better with Coke"

I had this stubborn calcium buildup in the for'd head for some time.  Tried some of the usual stuff with limited success.  Then in a moment of inspiration I poured in a liter bottle of coke that was laying around after a party (our one marina kid wouldn't touch the stuff with a barge pole).   Left it there for a week while I was away and voila;

If you Google "toilet + coca cola" you will discover that I'm not the first to try it.  I just hope my through hull and hoses are intact.

Sunday, October 12, 2014

New galley....almost there

Well pleased;

This will be the actual color of the finished counter-top.  Waterlox Original Sealer

Sink is a Ruvati RVH7110 Undermount 16 Gauge 14" Kitchen Sink Single Bowl.  I have had it mounted on the surface but flush with the counter-top.

Boat Outfitters stock 3 drawer units.