Friday, August 14, 2009

Just getting psyched up to make a bilge decision...

"It's imprudent to pay too much, but worse still to pay too little. When you pay too much, you lose a little money; it is true, but that is all. But when you pay too little, you risk losing everything, because what you have bought is not capable of doing the work for which you acquired it. The common law of business says it's not impossible to pay a little and obtain a lot: it cannot simply happen. If you deal with the cheapest supplier, you should make sure you provide a certain reserve to cover yourself for the risk you are running. But if you can do this, you certainly have enough money to buy something better"
JOHN RUSKIN 1819-1900


builder said...

"Buy the best and cry once."

The Incredible Hull said...

I presume that there is no chance of a "cash for tanks" government scheme?